Gearing Up For My Hike

So I left off with stating my intentions to hike this long hike on a trail called the PCT. Now I need to complete my collection of things that will take me through the journey.

I will be acquiring some new gear, some of which I will be relying upon some of my fellow OSATers (One Step at a Time is a outdoor club similar to the Mountaineers only smaller) to give me some lessons in the use of such fearsome tools like an ice axe. I will also need micro spikes, new camp shoes, regular replacement of trail runners etc.

To detail the kind of equipment I am specifically looking to add to my pack…
Ice axe: this valuable tool will help me to stay upright. it will act as a hiking pole when it’s snowy as well as a way to find a purchase in the snow. It will also be essential for “self arrest” if I should start sliding in the snow without a way to stop myself on my own power. I can use it to slow then stop a fall down a hillside. I would like to never have to use this tool in this way.
Micro spikes: These little ditties are made out of rubber and metal. The metal is chain and spikes connected to the rubber that stretches to go over your shoe/boot to aid in gaining traction in compact snow and ice.
Trail runners: From what I have been advised, I can expect to go through a pair of shoes every 500 miles! This trail is 2660 miles! That’s almost 6 pairs of shoes!
Camp shoes: I like to carry something somewhat light with me for when I get to camp. In the past I have favored crocs because they are so light but these days I prefer the strapped sandal security that Tevas offer. It can offer damp or sweaty feet a chance to dry and the ability to wade through streams without getting my shoes wet or losing a sandal.

Photo by Sébastien Goldberg on Unsplash

I will do a detailed post a little later about all the actual gear I will be bringing with me.

For those of you who would like to help me out on trail, I will be using a travel registry to help keep things that I need organized. Here is a link to support my adventure if you are so inclined. I will be adding a few more things as I have time to add them.

2 Replies to “Gearing Up For My Hike”

  1. My Dearest Sarah,
    I will keep you in my prayers during your journey!
    I admire your ability to reach out and grab what you want in life, I am so proud to call you my friend.
    Enjoy your trip!!!
    Lots of love and hugs to you!💋😉😃

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