Planning and future tripping

It’s funny, you would think that I would be planning like mad. That I would be obsessing over every detail that could be obsessed about. Instead I’m going slow, one step at a time. I felt unable to complete details while still working full time. My last day at The Hangar Cafe was Friday, April 5, After eleven and a half years with the Cafe, and even more with Justin, I will be parting ways; at least for awhile. I don’t know how my mind will be reshaped by the trail, the journey. I will refrain from making any choices about the future until my return from the trail. Only  collecting ideas and more dreams for a time. I have resorted to scheduling out my days like I am working. Oh wait! This is my job now!

But I digress, I start a new chapter NOW! The work starts NOW! I will be doing my best to keep obligations with friends before I leave, finishing up appointments and all self appointed tasks.

Along with that is the exciting part of finishing my preparation for the Trek. I get to sort through all my gear and weed out the luxuries that seem too heavy or frivolous to justify carrying them. Sort out the different gear that will be carried in different sections. A future post will detail all the nitty gritty stuff about gear. I am a low level gear geek at heart and this has provided me with an outlet for THAT little passion.

I also get to sift through all the food I have prepped and purchased to see how far that will get me. The plan is to keep as Keto friendly as hikerly possible. I will be prepping more food as needed or looking into Next Mile Meals to possibly fill any gaps. You should check them out at, they have generously given us a discount code for 10% off which is usually reserved for large orders. (use code PNWCHILD expires 4/30/19 and tell them I sent ya!) Feel free to support my trail resupplies along the way via my travel registry here as well.

I feel truly blessed by all the love and support you all have given me! I am also pretty stoked to not go into this alone, I’ve got all of you behind me too!

Gearing Up For My Hike

So I left off with stating my intentions to hike this long hike on a trail called the PCT. Now I need to complete my collection of things that will take me through the journey.

I will be acquiring some new gear, some of which I will be relying upon some of my fellow OSATers (One Step at a Time is a outdoor club similar to the Mountaineers only smaller) to give me some lessons in the use of such fearsome tools like an ice axe. I will also need micro spikes, new camp shoes, regular replacement of trail runners etc.

To detail the kind of equipment I am specifically looking to add to my pack…
Ice axe: this valuable tool will help me to stay upright. it will act as a hiking pole when it’s snowy as well as a way to find a purchase in the snow. It will also be essential for “self arrest” if I should start sliding in the snow without a way to stop myself on my own power. I can use it to slow then stop a fall down a hillside. I would like to never have to use this tool in this way.
Micro spikes: These little ditties are made out of rubber and metal. The metal is chain and spikes connected to the rubber that stretches to go over your shoe/boot to aid in gaining traction in compact snow and ice.
Trail runners: From what I have been advised, I can expect to go through a pair of shoes every 500 miles! This trail is 2660 miles! That’s almost 6 pairs of shoes!
Camp shoes: I like to carry something somewhat light with me for when I get to camp. In the past I have favored crocs because they are so light but these days I prefer the strapped sandal security that Tevas offer. It can offer damp or sweaty feet a chance to dry and the ability to wade through streams without getting my shoes wet or losing a sandal.

Photo by Sébastien Goldberg on Unsplash

I will do a detailed post a little later about all the actual gear I will be bringing with me.

For those of you who would like to help me out on trail, I will be using a travel registry to help keep things that I need organized. Here is a link to support my adventure if you are so inclined. I will be adding a few more things as I have time to add them.